In line with Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia’s (UTHM) wishes to further strengthen UTHM’s name, the University has introduced new UTHM logo that highlights acronym arrangement foregrounding UTHM’s name. The new logo is part of the rebranding of the University’s corporate image that looks more attractive and fresh. It was introduced in conjunction with the University’s 20th anniversary celebration. The transformation of the new logo is effective on 20th August 2013.
The overall concept of this logo symbolises UTHM as a public university that supports the development of science at various levels in the field of science and technology.
Hopefully with this new logo, UTHM will continue to be competitive and bring the university to a higher level of quality.
Guidance Notes
"The illustrations provided through this manual should be the ultimate source in the effort to resolve uncertainty or ambiguity".